Science Learner′s Book 7 , Lower Secondary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Cells and Organisms – Structure and function of plant, animal, and specialized cells; characteristics of life, species classification, viruses, food chains, microorganisms, and environmental impact.
2. Materials and Their Properties – States of matter, changes of state, atomic structure, periodic table, compounds, mixtures, metals, non-metals, acids, alkalis, pH scale, and chemical reactions.
3. Forces and Energy – Gravity, mass, solar system formation, tides, motion in space, energy changes, conservation of energy, and peer review in scientific understanding.
4. Earth and Physical Sciences – Sound waves, reflections, Earth′s structure, solar and lunar eclipses, light, electricity, circuits, conductors, insulators, and magnetism.
5. Scientific Enquiry and Research – Models and representations, evaluation, planning, collaboration, peer review, and the application of science across societies, industries, and research.
6. Environmental and Global Impact – The role of science in sustainability, classification of living organisms, effects of human activities, and the importance of scientific literacy in addressing global challenges.
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