Science Learner′s Book 9 , Lower Secondary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Photosynthesis and the Carbon Cycle: Process of photosynthesis; role of the carbon cycle; factors affecting photosynthesis; impact of climate change on plant systems; scientific investigation of energy transfer in ecosystems.
2. Properties of Materials and Reactivity: Atomic structure and periodic trends; reactions of elements to form compounds; giant molecular structures; displacement reactions; methods for making salts; rearrangement of atoms in chemical processes.
3. Forces, Energy, and Sound: Density and heat transfer mechanisms; evaporation and condensation; loudness and pitch of sound; interference of sound waves; formation of the Moon; properties of nebulae and tectonic activity.
4. Genes, Inheritance, and Evolution: Chromosomes and DNA structure; role of gametes in inheritance; genetic variation among species; principles of natural selection; mechanisms of evolution through mutation and adaptation.
5. Rates of Reaction and Electricity: Factors affecting reaction rates, including temperature, surface area, and concentration; impact of catalysts on chemical reactions; properties of electric circuits; voltage and resistance in parallel and series circuits.
6. Scientific Inquiry and Applications: Evaluating experimental data; role of science in different industries; technological applications of scientific principles; societal impact of scientific discoveries; research methodologies in various fields.
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