Science Learner′s Book 8 , Lower Secondary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Respiration and Life Processes: Structure and function of the human respiratory system; gas exchange mechanisms; breathing and respiration; role of blood in oxygen transport; scientific models and representations in biology.
2. Properties of Materials and Chemical Reactions: Dissolving, solutions, and solubility; chromatography techniques; exothermic and endothermic reactions; reactions of metals with oxygen, water, and acids; applications in research and industry.
3. Forces, Energy, and Motion: Principles of forces and motion; speed and acceleration; pressure between solids, liquids, and gases; particles and their movement; turning forces and their applications.
4. Ecosystems and Environmental Science: Diversity of ecosystems; bioaccumulation and its impact on food chains; climate, weather, and ice ages; the role of the atmosphere in Earth′s environmental stability.
5. Light, Sound, and Space Science: Reflection and refraction of light; formation of rainbows; colors of light; study of galaxies; impact of rocks in space; scientific enquiry in astrophysics.
6. Data Interpretation and Scientific Inquiry: Experimentation and analysis; evaluation of scientific findings; understanding probability in research; statistical representation of data; applications of science in society.
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