Biology 9700/06 Oct Nov 2003 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Bryophyte sensitivity to humidity: low tolerance compared to angiosperms due to non-vascular structure; investigation of growth under varying humidity and watering regimes.
2. Unicellular organisms: structural comparison of Vorticella and Paramecium, symbiotic nutrition between Vorticella and Chlorella, and oxygen availability supporting aerobic bacteria in oxidation ponds.
3. Tropical rainforest conservation: high biodiversity importance, threats from deforestation, and international conservation strategies like protected reserves and sustainable logging.
4. Genetic applications: pink pigeon conservation through genetic fingerprinting to minimize inbreeding, selective breeding goals, and differences in captive breeding for endangered species.
5. Lima bean defense: volatile chemical signaling activating resistance genes, spider mite adaptation to resistance, and gene clustering effects on resistance efficiency.
6. Genotype interaction: allele dominance, Huntington's disease inheritance patterns, genetic screening ethics, and impacts of genetic information accessibility on individuals and families.

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