Biology 9700/05 Oct Nov 2004 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Enzyme activity investigation: amylase hydrolysis of starch monitored using iodine as an endpoint indicator; calculation of reaction rates using time-to-endpoint data.
2. Reaction rate trends: plotting amylase concentration vs. reaction rate, explaining results based on enzyme-substrate interaction and saturation effects.
3. Laboratory procedure improvements: temperature stabilization using water baths and precise volume measurement for reproducibility.
4. Pancreatic tissue structure: identifying islets of Langerhans and surrounding exocrine tissue based on cell arrangement and staining differences.
5. Islet variations: differences in cell density and staining intensity within islets; linked to functional differences such as hormone secretion types.
6. High-power drawing of pancreatic islets: detailed cell depiction and labeling to highlight structural characteristics observed microscopically.

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