Biology 9700/36 Oct Nov 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification of higher enzyme concentration in E1 or E2 through Benedict's test for reducing sugars, standardization of experimental variables (volume, temperature).
2. Serial dilution preparation for reducing sugar solutions, recording time for color change during Benedict's test, and estimation of reducing sugar concentration.
3. Modification of methods to measure starch hydrolysis by enzyme E without Benedict's solution, focusing on alternative detection of reducing sugars.
4. Analysis of iron sulfate's effect on amylase activity using alginate beads, graphical representation of data, and interpretation of reduced sugar production.
5. Plan and detailed drawings of animal tissue cross-sections, including tubular organs, and ratio calculation for structural comparison.
6. Comparison of structural features of two tubular organs, identifying adaptations for low-pressure blood transport, and recording observable similarities and differences.

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