Biology 9700/11 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Definitions and differences between magnification and resolution in microscopy, with calculations for eyepiece graticule scales and magnification in micrographs.
2. Centrifugation separation of cell organelles in order of density, including nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, and ribosomes.
3. Properties and chemical features of biological molecules such as amylose, triglycerides, phospholipids, and unsaturated lipids.
4. Enzyme kinetics and inhibition, distinguishing between competitive and non-competitive inhibitors based on their interaction with enzyme active or allosteric sites.
5. Mechanisms of cell transport, including facilitated diffusion, active transport, and the role of glycoproteins as antigens.
6. Adaptations in companion cells for phloem function, trichome roles in xerophytes, and anatomical features of xylem and blood cells in photomicrographs.
7. Cardiac and respiratory system features, including electrical activity in the heart, effects of carbonic anhydrase, and structural specialization of alveoli and bronchioles.
8. Testing antibiotic effectiveness using bacterial zones of inhibition, synthetic peptides for combating antibiotic resistance, and monoclonal antibody production and applications in cancer therapy.
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