Biology 9700/33 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of enzyme-catalyzed oxygen release by varying the surface area of potato cylinders, using standardization methods for measurements and controlled environmental conditions.
2. Calculation of surface areas for cylindrical potato samples using provided formulas, and determination of their effects on oxygen bubble production over time.
3. Quantitative recording of oxygen release rates, calculation of mean bubble production, and evaluation of enzyme activity through modified measurement methods to address inaccuracies in bubble size.
4. Anatomical study of a plant leaf, including detailed drawings of observed tissues, and the role of structural adaptations like trichomes in minimizing water loss in arid environments.
5. Estimation of stomatal density from a photomicrograph, supported by counting guidelines for partially included stomata within defined boundaries.
6. Graphical representation of the percentage of open stomata over a time period and analysis of the correlation between stomatal opening and transpiration rate changes.

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