Chemistry 9701/01 May June 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Empirical Formula Determination: Calculation of the empirical formula for a lead-carbon-hydrogen compound based on the mass percentages of carbon and hydrogen.
2. Concentration Calculation: Determining the concentration of sodium chlorate(I) (NaClO) in household bleach through a reaction with hydrogen peroxide, using stoichiometric calculations.
3. Ionization Energy and Electron Configuration: Analysis of ionization energies and determination of the outer electron configuration of an element based on ionization data.
4. Molecular Bonding: Explanation of the boiling point differences between methane and neon, and identification of bond angles in organic molecules.
5. Catalysis and Activation Energy: Understanding the effects of catalysts on the activation energy and effective collisions in chemical reactions.
6. Electrolytic Reactions: Explanation of electrolysis processes in the purification of copper, and the formation of by-products during the reaction.
7. Reactions and Isomerism: Identifying chemical reactions and explaining molecular structures, such as those of carvone, with respect to functional groups and isomerism.
8. Hydrolysis and Organic Reactions: Understanding the products of hydrolysis in organic compounds, such as in the case of esters and alcohols, and determining their reactivity in various conditions.
9. Polymerization: Investigating the polymerization of chloroethene and identifying the resulting polymers' structural characteristics.
10. Chemical Bonding in Compounds: Exploring bonding in compounds such as sodium chloride, sodium hydride, and others, with respect to molecular geometry, bonding types, and reaction outcomes.

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