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Chemistry (9701) 1403/12/13

Chemistry 9701/01 May June 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme

CIE AS & A Level Chemistry (9701) Jun 2009

1. Empirical Formula Determination: Calculation of the empirical formula for a lead-carbon-hydrogen compound based on the mass percentages of carbon and hydrogen.
2. Concentration Calculation: Determining the concentration of sodium chlorate(I) (NaClO) in household bleach through a reaction with hydrogen peroxide, using stoichiometric calculations.
3. Ionization Energy and Electron Configuration: Analysis of ionization energies and determination of the outer electron configuration of an element based on ionization data.
4. Molecular Bonding: Explanation of the boiling point differences between methane and neon, and identification of bond angles in organic molecules.
5. Catalysis and Activation Energy: Understanding the effects of catalysts on the activation energy and effective collisions in chemical reactions.
6. Electrolytic Reactions: Explanation of electrolysis processes in the purification of copper, and the formation of by-products during the reaction.
7. Reactions and Isomerism: Identifying chemical reactions and explaining molecular structures, such as those of carvone, with respect to functional groups and isomerism.
8. Hydrolysis and Organic Reactions: Understanding the products of hydrolysis in organic compounds, such as in the case of esters and alcohols, and determining their reactivity in various conditions.
9. Polymerization: Investigating the polymerization of chloroethene and identifying the resulting polymers' structural characteristics.
10. Chemical Bonding in Compounds: Exploring bonding in compounds such as sodium chloride, sodium hydride, and others, with respect to molecular geometry, bonding types, and reaction outcomes.

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

Chemistry 9701/01 May June 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
تعداد صفحات فایل : 16

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

نوع آزمون : Paper 1
بازدید : 55
بروزرسانی شده در 1403/12/13