Chemistry 9701/13 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Boltzmann distribution and temperature effects; molecular energy changes with temperature reduction, activation energy implications for spontaneous reactions.
2. Structural and electronic properties of molecules and ions; identification of lone pairs, ionic radii, and isoelectronic species comparisons.
3. Reaction energetics; enthalpy changes for formation, atomization, and decomposition, and relationship to energy diagrams.
4. Periodic trends and molecular geometry; bond angles in Period 2 fluorides, and melting point trends versus ionization energies.
5. Industrial and experimental chemical processes; electrolysis of brine, Claus process for sulfur extraction, and conditions affecting reaction rates and products.
6. Hydrocarbon transformations; cracking products, free-radical substitution mechanisms, and reactivity under UV light.
7. Organic reactions and compound properties; identification of esters, dehydration of alcohols to alkenes, and reactions of carboxylic acids and nitriles.
8. Analysis of natural and synthetic molecules; polymerization of monomers, wax hydrolysis, and energy calculations for fuels.
9. Functional group reactivity; aldehydes and ketones with 2,4-DNPH, Tollens’, and Fehling’s reagents, and oxidation products from propane-1,2,3-triol.
10. Applications of experimental setups; oxidation, dehydration, and cracking processes demonstrated using silica or alumina catalysts under controlled heating conditions.

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