Chemistry 9701/31 Oct Nov 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Redox Reactions and Oxidation Numbers: Explaining the redox nature of the reaction for chlorine dioxide (ClO2) formation, drawing the dot-and-cross diagram for ClO2, and understanding the rate laws from experimental data.
2. Titration and Rate Constant Calculation: Using titration data to calculate the volume of thiosulfate used, the number of moles of iodine, and the rate constant for the iodine reaction.
3. Zinc Carbonate Decomposition: Understanding the decomposition of basic zinc carbonate, calculating the mass of ZnO formed, and explaining the changes in mass before and after heating.
4. Solubility and Group 2 Hydroxides: Discussing the variation in solubility of Group 2 hydroxides, calculating the Ksp for magnesium hydroxide, and explaining trends in decomposition temperatures down the group.
5. Electrochemical Cells and Standard Potentials: Drawing electrochemical cell diagrams, predicting changes in electrode potentials, and calculating the change in cell potential based on concentration variations.
6. Transition Metal Complexes and Bonding: Understanding the bonding in transition metal complexes, explaining their structures, and discussing the geometry of coordination complexes.
7. Organic Reactions and Synthesis: Analyzing the synthesis and reactions of serotonin, predicting NMR spectra, and understanding the polymerization of compounds.
8. Chiral Centers and Functional Groups: Identifying chiral centers in molecules, drawing structures for organic compounds, and understanding their isomerism and reactivity in different conditions.

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