Biology 9700/43 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Conservation challenges of Sulawesi macaques (Macaca nigra), focusing on population density, human impact, and protective measures for critically endangered species.
2. Genetic inheritance in Drosophila melanogaster, including dihybrid crosses, chi-squared analysis, recombinant phenotypes, and meiotic stages responsible for recombination.
3. Meiosis as reduction division in sexual reproduction, environmental effects on plant phenotypes, mutation roles in selection, and experimental studies on nutrient effects on root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
4. Natural selection in Oenothera biennis, focusing on genetic differences influencing insect resistance and flowering traits, and evidence for selection over genetic drift.
5. Alzheimer’s disease research using genetically modified mice, creation of animal models, DNA microarray analysis of gene expression, and Crtc1 transcription factor overexpression effects.
6. Oxidative phosphorylation mechanisms in mitochondria, roles of reduced NAD, membrane carriers, and structural adaptations like inner membrane folding for ATP synthesis.
7. Photosynthesis processes in chloroplasts, substrate and product localization, experiments with DCPIP as an electron acceptor, and limiting factors affecting photosynthesis efficiency.
8. Structural and functional analysis of sarcomeres, calcium ion roles in muscle contraction, anaerobic respiration in muscle cells, and its importance for energy production under oxygen-limiting conditions.
9. Characteristics of organisms in the domain Eukarya, and the role of assisted reproduction techniques in conserving endangered mammalian species.
10. Effects of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on kidney function, and glucagon-mediated regulation of blood glucose concentrations through metabolic pathways.

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