Chemistry 9701/51 Oct Nov 2013 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Enthalpy of solution for ammonium nitrate, temperature variation during dissolution, prediction graphs based on concentration, and experimental setup for temperature measurement.
2. Experimental design for solubility-temperature analysis of hydrated and anhydrous sodium sulfate, with methods to calculate solubility and transition temperature.
3. Calculation of solubility from mass measurements, graphical analysis to identify phase transition points, and impact of experimental errors on solubility and percentage differences.
4. Assessment of errors due to incorrectly zeroed balances, corrections applied to experimental values, and recalculation of solubility with error quantification.
5. Prediction of endothermic or exothermic behavior during the dissolution of sodium sulfate forms based on solubility trends and temperature dependence.
6. Graphical representation of solubility data, best-fit curve extrapolation, and validation of data accuracy by identifying deviations from expected trends.

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