Chemistry 9701/36 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Rate of Iron(I) and Iodide Reaction: Investigating the effect of iron(III) concentration on the rate of its reaction with iodide, calculating the rate based on reaction times.
2. Graphical Analysis of Reaction Rate: Plotting reaction rate against iron(III) volume, identifying anomalies, and analyzing the relationship between reaction rate and concentration.
3. Calculating Reaction Time and Rate Constant: Estimating reaction time for different concentrations, calculating the rate constant, and explaining percentage differences in results.
4. Sodium Thiosulfate and Iron(III) Reactions: Measuring the amount of iodine produced and using it to determine sodium thiosulfate concentration through titration.
5. Influence of Iodide Ion Concentration: Investigating the effect of increasing iodide ion concentration on the reaction, and explaining experimental adjustments.
6. Effect of Temperature on Reaction Time: Considering how changes in reaction setup and concentrations impact the recorded reaction times and results.

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