Chemistry 9701/12 March 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Atomic structure and bonding: Proton, neutron, and electron configurations in ions like Fe3+; molecular and empirical formula relationships for hydrocarbons.
2. Chemical reactions and stoichiometry: Thermodynamic calculations, enthalpy changes in reactions, oxidation states, and redox reactions.
3. Equilibrium and kinetics: Factors affecting reaction rates, dynamic equilibrium principles, and equilibrium constant calculations.
4. Acid-base chemistry: Properties of acids and bases, pH changes, and reactions involving acids like HCl and NaOH.
5. Periodic trends: Trends in chemical properties like color, reactivity, and structure across groups in the periodic table, especially in halogens and metals.
6. Organic reactions and mechanisms: Mechanisms such as nucleophilic addition, substitution, and polymerization; identification of functional groups and reaction products.
7. Spectroscopy and molecular analysis: Interpretation of IR spectra and NMR, including functional group identification and analysis of compounds like glycerol and fatty acids.

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