Biology 9700/31 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Effect of temperature on Benedict’s test reaction time for reducing sugars, standardization of variables, and hypothesis evaluation based on experimental data.
2. Serial dilution methodology for glucose solutions, determining unknown concentrations using comparison to standard solutions, and accuracy improvements in experimental design.
3. Anatomical study of plant leaf structures through diagrams of midrib regions, vascular bundles, and xylem vessels, focusing on functional adaptations.
4. Magnification and calculation of leaf surface features, observable traits for water loss reduction, and differences in stomatal patterns across regions.
5. Impact of atmospheric CO2 concentrations on stomatal density in plant leaves, with data analysis on upper and lower epidermis trends under future scenarios.
6. Statistical representation of stomatal density variations, chart plotting of CO2 effect data, and implications for plant physiology in changing environments.

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